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What is a Health Coach and Holistic Wellness?

"A Health Coach is a supportive mentor in wellness authority. They help others feel their best through individualized food and lifestyle changes that meet their unique needs and health goals. Often times, Health Coaches provide their services in private coaching practices, either working one-on-one with clients or/and facilitating a group coaching program."(via What does a Health Coach Do? | IIN)


Coaching is a specific methodology for changing behavior and attitudes to improve lifestyle choices, habits, and actions for the long haul by:

  • Building growth-promoting relationships

  • Eliciting self-motivation

  • Increasing capacity and willingness

  • Facilitating process of growth and improvement


Holistic Wellness is the ways in which we celebrate feeling our best selves through an integrated process of choosing to live our lives to feel fulfilled and our "healthiest" version, beyond our plate.Holistic health is an approach to life that considers multidimensional aspects of wellness. 

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Green Juices

Health Coaching Intake Session

30 minute meeting time, introducing health coaching and initial session for planning your wellness goals. 

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